Jess Smith and attendees of the book signing

We have had a very exciting week! 

On Wednesday  Jess Smith came to visit our midweek memories group and was the star at our first ever book signing. Midweek memories loved hearing Jess’s stories and the book signing was brilliantly attended. We even sold out of Jess’s new book “Button Bog” (we will be restocking soon, don’t worry)! 

Jess Smith with Midweek Memories

We have adapted our usual living history event in light of new plans in the village regarding sustainable tourism. Instead of hosting one very large event in May we will be holiding a variety of smaller history themed events, walks and talks over the summer months to hopefully reduce strain on the village whilst still maintaining an active programme of events for locals and tourists alike. Keep your eyes peeled for our what’s on page to stay up to date on all our upcoming events and activities. 

Friday evening (Valentine’s day for all you romantics out there) is our monthly historical talk.  Dr Andrew Paterson will be giving a talk on Christian Iconography, their making and meanings. The tradition of the Christian icon-painting, which is almost as old as Christianity itself, is enjoying a remarkable revival and has recently spread beyond its ‘homeland’ in the Eastern Orthodox Church to many Western churches. Focusing on two basic questions many people ask about icons: why do they look the way they do, and how can they be used as an aid to prayer and worship? We look forward to hearing his fantastic talk. 

Our redevelopment project continues, we have heard back from Heritage Lottery Funding regarding our initial note of interest and will proceed with the next stage of the process. We will keep you all updated in due course.