It’s never a quiet week here!

Our volunteers have been hard at work condition checking our artefacts and prepping them for storage.  This is a multiple stage task but is an excellent opportunity for our volunteers to explore our collection and learn more about museum processes.


Items being photographed and labeled before being wrapped in acid free paper and bubble wrap for storage.

We have created a quiz for you all. Let us know what your score is!

Design by Dunkeld Community Archive

Archaeology was a recurring theme in the archive this week.  We had a visit from an undergraduate archaeology student at UHI researching the local area. Our young archaeologists’ Club also had a visit from Bob (our archaeologist in residence) to teach them about LIDAR and desk based research in preperation for their upcoming excavation at the Field in Dunkeld. This will be YAC’s first excavation and we will keep you all updated on what we find during the excavation and what the young archaeologists’ have learned! 


Bob and the young archaeologists hard at work (with their appropriately themed bone shaped pens)

Our manager Ruth attended the Association of Scottish military museums curators meeting this week. It was an excellent opportunity to network with other museums with regimental collections and to find out about new updates within the sector.

We also had a visit from the new owners of Birnam Hotel who are very interested in learning about the history of the building and its interior.  It is lovely to provide historic insight to different members of the community. 


An old postcard showing the Birnam Hotel