Our new and improved shop space!

This week the Dunkeld and Birnam Men’s shed paid us a visit to help us with some DIY. We have created a designated shop area within our entry hallway to create more exhibition space in our main room! We have a fabulous selection of items avaliable for sale so pop in to have a look! 

The men’s shed hard at work 

Imogen prepping the walls in the exhibition space

Ruth was in Edinburgh this week for a conservation course with the Scottish council on Archives and the Museum Galleries Scotland Symposium. She learned lots of interesting things and it was an excellent networking opportunity for the organisation.

SCA Conservation training 

MGS symposium

We were kindly donated a poem and book thanks to our social media. The poem is by Taylor Strickland and we have included it below for you all to see.


Taylor’s bluesky  account can be found via this link