Thanks to Museum Galleries Scotland for funding.
Thanks 'again' to Museum Galleries Scotland for funding our new I.T. equipment and the set up of our new shop.Our amazing new Digitisation system, capable of digitisaing up to A2 documents, books, photographic images and glass plates.
The Chapter House Museum
Even though the Chapter House Museum is closed, the grounds of the Cathedral are still open to the public daily. Pop into the Community Archive and pick up a guide to the Cathedral and the Museum to make your visit more interesting.
A huge thank you to SSE Griffin Community Windfarm Funding
Thanks to SSE Griffin Windfarm Community Fund we recently installed Interactive Screens in the Archive and the Chapter House Museum. They also funded the build of our new web site Dunkeld has many interesting stories to tell about its...
Map of the Dunkeld Path Network
Coming to Dunkeld, Perthshire ? Do you like walking or cycling ? Pop into the Community Archive and pick up a map and discover the Dunkeld Path Network - over 44 miles of tracks forming a range of circular routes including Loch Ordie, Atholl Woods, Polney Loch, to...
Thanks to the Basil D’Eath Trust for funding
A huge thanks to the Basil D'Eath Trust for funding to purchase new archival storage boxes for the protection of our regimental collection.
Contactless Donation ….
Thanks again to Museum Galleries Scotland for funding the purchase of Contactless Donation boxes for both the Archive and Chapter House Museum. Invaluable throughout the Covid pandemic.
A huge thank you to Museum Galleries Scotland for funding.
Thanks to Museum Galleries Scotland support we were able to purchase PPE to help us through the Covid pandemic.
A huge thank you to The Army Museums Ogilby Trust
Thanks to AMOT for funding one employee to oversee the digitisation project of the Scottish Horse and to enable us to open the Archive full-time.